Leon Lab News Feed
Congratulations to Akash for winning an undergraduate award at the UCF 2023 Student Scholar Symposium!
Akash receives an Honors Undergraduate Research Scholarship from the College of Engineering and Computer Science in Fall 2022! Congrats Akash!
The group is awarded the 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award in Fall 2022!
Tahoora Ateeq officially joins the lab as a Ph.D. student in Fall 2022!
Sara and Sachit Graduate in Fall 2021! Congratulations Dr. Tabandeh and Dr. Shah!
Sara and Cristina publish their paper on using peptides to understand the role of aromatic interactions in polyelectrolyte complexation.
The group is awarded a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation in June 2021!
Sachit publishes a paper on the structural dynamics, phase behavior, and applications of polyelectrolyte complex micelles.
Cristina is awarded an undergraduate student research grant for Fall 2020 to study the encapsulation of doxorubicin using peptide-based polyelectrolyte complexes.
Cristina is awarded a summer undergraduate research fellowship (SURF) to perform image analysis on fluorescence microscopy images of doxorubicin encapsulated in polyelectrolyte complexes. Summer 2020
Lab meeting goes virtual in March 2020.
Getting together for a holiday celebration in December 2019!
Sachit is awarded a Doctoral Research Support Award from the College of Graduate Studies in December of 2019!
The book Lorraine, Eun Ji Chung, and Carlos Rinaldi have been editing is published!
Sachit, Allen, and Sara publish a book chapter on electrostatically driven self-assembled nanoparticles and coatings in the book Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications: Fundamental Concepts, Biological Interactions, and Clinical Applications.
Sara presents her research as part of the Bionanotechnology Graduate Student Award Session at the 2019 American Institute for Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting.
Sachit’s paper on thermoresponsive polyelectrolyte complex micelles is published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
Sara publishes her work using peptides to investigate the role of hydrophobicity on polyelectrolyte complexation in Molecules.
Sachit presents a poster at the National Graduate Research Polymer Conference held at the University of Minnesota. (June 2018)
Sara presents a poster at the National Graduate Research Polymer Conference held at the University of Minnesota. (June 2018)
Sara and Allen teach MS/HS students about biomaterials at the ASM Materials Mini-Camp 2018! (May 2018)
Lorraine and Allen make physically crosslinked gels at ASM Materials Mini-Camp 2018! (May 2018)
Sara and Sachit present posters at the Florida Annual Meeting & Exposition (FAME) Conference in Tampa, FL. (May 2018)