Jiyu Fang

AMPAC Director,
Graduate Program Coordinator
Email: jiyu.fang@ucf.edu
Phone: 407-882-1517
Office: ENG I, Room 207B
- Ph.D., Department of Biomedical Engineering, Southeast University, 1992
- M.S., Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 1989
- B.S., Department of Physics, Nanjing Normal University, 1983
Jiyu Fang’s research focuses on the interdisciplinary area of physics, chemistry, materials and biology, with an emphasis on self-organized biological systems and self-assembled nanostructural materials. Technology development such as scanning probe microscopy, liquid crystal optical amplification and soft lithography also plays a major role in his research activities. This area has rich opportunities for students both in fundamental science and practical technologies.
There are four current projects in Fang’s group:
- Imaging order, defects, and dynamics of biological interfaces with liquid crystals
- Stretching polymers and biopolymers in thin films with a scanning probe microscope
- Nanomaterials based on self-assembly of biological building blocks such as lipids, peptides, DNA and Virus
- Protein crystal-directed assembly of 2-D and 3-D inorganic nanocrystals
- Biological interfaces
- Nano-scale science and engineering
- Molecular self-assembly
- Polymer thin films
- Biotechnology
- Soft lithography
- Scanning probe microscopy
- Liquid crystal imaging techniques
- Deng, W. Liang, J. Y. Fang, Liquid Crystal Embedded Biopolymer Hydrogel Sheets. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (2015) Submitted.
- Yu, Y. Liu, Q. Huang, S. Yan, Q. Han, J. Y. Fang, L. An. Novel Microstructured SiCNO Films Based on Polyvinylsilazane-Swelled F127 Micelles. Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2015). DOI: 10.1111/jace.14017.
- Qiang, Y. Yu, G. Chen, J. Y. Fang, Synthesis and Luminescence properties of Ce3+-Doped Y3Al3.5Ga1.5O12 Green Phosphor for White LEDs. Journal of Luminescence (2015). doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2015.11.041
- Qiang, Y. Yu, G. Chen, J. Y. Fang, Effect of Ga3+ Substitution on the Morphology and Luminescence Properties of Y2.94Al5-mGamO12:0.06Ce3+ Green Phosphors. Ceramics International 42, 767.(2016).
- Qiang, Y. Yu, G. Chen, J. Y. Fang, A Flux-Free Method for the Synthesis of Ce3+-Doped YAG Phosphors for White LEDs. Materials Research Bulletin 74, 353, (2016).
- Yu, M. Zhu, W. Liang, S. Rhods, J. Y. Fang, Synthesis of Silica-Titania Composite Beads for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamine B in Water. RSC Advances 5, 72437 (2015).
- Deng, X. Lu, C. Constant, A. Dogariu, J. Y. Fang, Design of Beta-CD-Surfactant Complex-coated Liquid Crystal Droplets for the Detection of Cholic Acid via Competitive Host-Guest Recognitions. Chemical Communication 51, 8912 (2015). [This work was featured on the cover of Chemical Communication].
- Liang, J. R. Guzman-Sepulveda, A. Dogariu, S. He, J. Y. Fang, Microrheology and Drug Release Behaviors of Self-Assembled Steroid Hydrogels. Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering 3, 6 (2015). [This work was featured on the cover of Journal of materials Science and Chemical Engineering].
- Bera, J. Deng, J. Y. Fang, Tailoring the Surface of Liquid Crystal Droplets with Chitosan-Surfactant Complexes for the Sensitive Detection of Bile Acids in Biological Fluids. RSC Advances 5, 70097 (2015).
- Yu, X. Wu, J. Y. Fang, Superhydrophobic and Superoleophlic Sponge-like Aerogels for Oil/Water Separation. Journal of Materials Science 50, 5115 (2015). [This work was featured on the cover of Journal of Materials Science].
- Yu, D. Guo, J. Y. Fang, Synthesis of Silica Aerogel Microspheres by a Two-Step Acid-Base Sol-Gel Reaction with Emulsification Technique. Journal of Porous Materials 22, 621(2015).
- Yu, Y, Liu, J. Y. Fang, L. An, Formation of Novel Microstructured SiCNO Films from Block Copolymer Micellar-Templating Approaches. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 8, 2894 (2015).
- Yu, D. Guo, J. Y. Fang, A Facile and Fast Gelation to Prepare Spherical Millimeter-Sized Silica Aerogel Bead. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.12, 244 (2015).
- Y. Li, Y. Yu, H. San, Y. Wang, Q. Han, J. Y. Fang, L. An, Effect of Thermal Initiator Concentrations on the Structure and Optical Band Gaps of polyvinylsilazane-Derived SiOCN Ceramics. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 12.985 (2015).
- Yang, Y. Chen,Y. Cao,Y. Su, J. Zou, J. Y. Fang, L. An, Formation of Hierarchically Mesoporous Silicon Carbide from Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Micelles. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 8, 2894 (2015).
- He, J. Deng, Y. Fang, S. T. Wu, Lag-brust of Surfactant Displacements from the Liquid Crystal/Aqueous Interface by Bile Acids. Colloids and Surfaces A 471, 148 (2015).
- Bera, J. Y. Fang, Interaction of Surfactants and Polyelectrolyte-Coated Liquid Crystal Droplets. Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineeing 2, 1 (2014). [This work was featured on the cover of Journal of materials Science and Chemical Engineering].
- Bera, J. Y. Fang, Synthesis of Organic Nanofibers with Embedded Pd Nanoparticles for Decolorization of Organic Dyes. Austin Journal of Chemical Engineeing 1, 4 (2014). Reviewe article.
- Yu, X. Wu, D. Guo, J. Y. Fang, Synthesis of Flexible, Hydrophobic and Oleophilic Silica Aerogels Based on a methyltriethoxysilane precursor. Journal of Materials Science 49, 7715(2014).
- Yu, H, Wang, J. Y. Fang, L. An, G. Fang, A Facile Route to Synthesize SiCO Nanospheres with Tunable Sizes. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 11, 670(2014).
- He, W. Liang, K. L. Cheng, J. Y. Fang, S. T. Wu, Bile Acid-Surfactant Interactions at the Liquid Crystal-Aqueous Interface. Soft Matter 10, 4609 (2014).
- Bera, J. Deng, J. Y. Fang, Protein-induced Configuration Transition of Polyelectrolyte Modified Liquid Crystal Droplets. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118, 4970 (2014).
- Liang, S. He, J. Y. Fang, Self-Assembly of J-aggregate Nanotubes and Their Applications for Sensing Dopamine. Langmuir 30, 805 (2014). [This work was highlighted in Global Medical Discovery].
- Liang, S. He, J. Y. Fang, Morphology and Shape Control of Porous Silica Nanostructures with Dual-templating Approaches. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 14,4424 (2014).
- Bera, J. Y. Fang, Self-Assembled Palladium Nanoparticle-Organic Composite Nanofibers and Their Applications as a Recyclable Catalyst. RSC Advances 3, 21567 (2013).
- He, W. Liang, J. Y. Fang, S. T. Wu, Influence of Chain Lengths of Liquid Crystals on Cholic Acid Detection. SPIE-Photonics. 8828, 88281G (2013)
- He, W. Liang, C. Tanner, J. Y. Fang, S. T. Wu, Liquid Crystal Biosensors for detecting Cholic Acid. Analytical Methods 5, 4126 (2013).
- Bera, J. Y. Fang, Optical Detection of Lithocholic Acid with Liquid Crystal Emulsions. Langmuir 29, 387 (2013).
- He, W. Liang, C. Tanner, S. T. Wu, J. Y. Fang, Liquid Crystal-Based Biosensors for Bile Acid Detection. SPIE-Optics. 8642, 86420P (2013).
- Bera, J. Y. Fang, Polyelectrolyte Coated Liquid Crystal Droplets for Detecting Charged Macromolecules. Journal of Materials Chemistry 22, 6807 (2012).
- Bera, W. Liang, J. Y. Fang, Ring Patterns in Liquid Crystals Aligned with Two-Component Monolayers. Colloids and Surfaces A 395, 32 (2012). [This work was highlighted in Advances in Engineering].
- Zhang, W. Liang, T. Bera, J. Y. Fang, Longitudinal Zipping/Unzipping of Self-Assembled Organic Tubes. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115, 14445 (2011).
- Zou, T. Bera, A. Davis, W. Liang, J. Y. Fang, Director Configuration Transition of Polyelectrolyte Encapsulated Liquid-Crystal Droplets. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115, 8970 (2011).
- Yu, C. Xu, J. Y. Fang, L. An, Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide at Ultralow Temperature using Self-Assembled Polymer Micelles as a Precursor. Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 17619 (2011). [This paper was selected for the Sep. 16, 2011 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology].
- Zhang, K. Tamhane, T. Bera, J. Y. Fang, Transcription of pH-Sensitive Supramolecular Assemblies into Silica: From straight, Coiled, and Helical Tubes to Single and Double Fan-Like Bundles. Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 13973 (2011).
- Zou, J. Y. Fang, Adhesive Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Films. Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 9149 (2011). [This work was highlighted in European Coating News]
- Yu, Y. Chen, C. Xu, J. Y. Fang, L. An, Synthesis of Spherical Non-oxide Silicon Carbonitride Particles from Self-Assembling Polysilazane Precursors. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94, 2779 (2011).
- Liang, T. Bera, X. Zhang, A. J. Gesquiere, J. Y. Fang, Boojum and Stripe Textures in Long Range Orientationally Ordered Monolayers on substrates. Langmuir 27, 1051(2011).
- Zhang, J. F. Fang, Assembly of Vesicles into Fractal and Prong Patterns on Solid Substrates. Soft Matter 6, 2139 (2010).
- Tamhane, X. Zhang, J. Zou, J. Y. Fang, Assembly and Disassembly of Tubular Spherulites. Soft Matter 6, 1224 (2010).
- Zou, J. Y. Fang, Director Configuration in Liquid-Crystals Droplets Encapsulated with Polyelectrolytes. Langmuir 26, 7025 (2010).
- Zhang, M. Mathew, A. J. Gesquiere, J. Y. Fang, Synthesis of Fluorescent Composite Tubes with pH-Controlled Shapes. Journal of Materials Chemistry 20, 3716 (2010).
- Zhang, J. Zou, K. Tamhane, F. Kobzeff, J. Y. Fang, Self-Assembly of pH-Switchable Spiral Tubes: Supramolecular Springs. Small 6, 217 (2010).
- American Chemical Society
- Materials Research Society