AI drug discoveries to cut costs and save lives: Medicine’s next big thing?
ORLANDO, FL – It takes millions, if not billions, of dollars to take…
Nano-Coatings Wipe Out COVID-19
ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) – COVID-19 first hit the news more than…
Seal’s Research Student Thesis Defense
Students in Dr.Seal’s research group defended their thesis this past month. Check…
Seal Research Group Attends Meeting of Wound Healing Society
Professor Sudipta Seal and his research group recently traveled to the Wound…
Research Group Attends MRS Annual Meeting
Professor Sudipta Seal and his research group recently attended the annual meeting…
Conference on Nano-Micromaterials for Circular Economy and Sustainability in the East Asia Pacific
Aug. 29-Sept. 1 | National University of Singapore
Materials Science and Technology Conference
Sept. 29-Oct. 3 | Portland, Oregon
AVS 66th International Symposium and Exhibition
Oct. 20-25 | Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio
Sustainable Nanotechnology Conference
Nov. 7-9 | San Diego, California
Materials Research Society
Dec. 1-6 | Boston, Massachusetts
Materials Science and Technology Conference
Oct. 4-8 | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania