Akihiro Kushima

- Ph.D. in Engineering Physics and Mechanics, Kyoto University, 2007
- M.E. in Engineering Physics and Mechanics, Kyoto University, 2004
- B.E. inEngineering Science, Kyoto University, 2002
- In-situ transmission electron microscopy
- Atomistic simulation
- Nano-characterization
- Nano-mechanics
- Energy-storage materials
- Kushima, K. P. So, C. Su, P. Bai, N. Kuriyama, T. Maebashi, Y. Fujiwara, M. Z. Bazant, J. Li, “Liquid cell transmission electron microscopy observation of lithium metal growth and dissolution: Root growth, dead lithium and lithium flotsams”, Nano Energy, 32, 271 (2017).
- Xu, Q. Yan, A. Kushima, X. Zhang, J. Pan, and J. Li, “Conductive graphene oxide-polyacrylic acid (GOPAA) binder for lithium-sulfur battery”, Nano Energy, 31, 568 (2017).
- Jin, S. Li, A. Kushima, X. Zheng, Y. Sun, J. Xie, J. Sun, W. Xue, G. Zhou, J. Wu, F. Shi, R. Zhang, Z. Zhu, K. So, Y. Cui, and J. Li, “Self-healing SEI enables full-cell cycling of a silicon-majority anode with a coulombic efficiency exceeding 99.9%”, Energy Environ. Sci., DOI: 10.1039/C6EE02685K
- Zhu, A. Kushima, Z. Yin, L. Qi, K. Amine, J. Lu, and J. Li, “Anion-redox nanolithia cathodes for Li-ion batteries”, Nature Energy, 1, 16111 (2016).
- P. So, X. Liu, H. Mori, A. Kushima, J. G. Park, H. S. Kim, S. Ogata, Y. H. Lee, and J. Li, “Ton-scale metal-carbon nanotube composite: The mechanism of strengthening while retaining tensile ductility”, Extreme Mech. Lett., 8, 245 (2016).
- P. So, D. Chen, A. Kushima, M. Li, S. Kim, Y. Yang, Z. Wang, J. G. Park, Y. H. Lee, R. I. Gonzalez, M. Kiwi, E. M. Bringa, L. Shao, and Ju Li, “Dispersion of carbon nanotubes in aluminum improves radiation resistance”, Nano Energy, 22, 319 (2016).